Gender Biased Society of Pakistan
(A Case-Study of Mukhtaran Mai)
The status of women in Pakistan varies considerably across classes, regions and the rural/urban divide due to uneven socioeconomic development and the impact of tribal, feudal and capitalist social formations on women’s lives. The Pakistani women of today enjoy a better status than most Islamic and Middle Eastern women. However, on an average,, the women’s situation vis-à-vis men is one of systematic subordination, although there have been attempts by the government and enlightened groups to elevate the status of women in Pakistani society.
Pakistani society is male dominated society where women are the centre of attention and life but this society also consider women as no more than secondary citizens which is perhaps due to the traditional; norms prevailing in the whole society. The role and status of Pakistani women in all walks of life has been highly undermined. Though over the years this scenario has changed and the awareness of woman’s abilities, her rights and her status has reached almost all parts of Pakistan which is a third world country. but this privilege of the right acknowledgment is limited as the majority of Pakistani women belong to the rural areas who work in the fields and in the industrial centre. It is a pool and virtually illiterate majority, which leads a life of physical hardship involving long hours at tedious chores for which there is neither compensation nor recognition. Most of these women bear the double burden of housework and outside work. Not only do these women have longer days than the rest of the family, but also being the last to eat, they eat less well and suffer from anemia and malnutrition.
The violence against women in Pakistan is dilemma of our society. Feminists and women’s groups in Pakistan have criticized the Pakistani government and it’s leaders for white washing the prosecution of women and typing to suppress information about their plight in the international arena. Skepticism and biased attitudes against women’s complaints of violence are common among prosecutors, police officers and medicolegal doctors in Pakistan. According to reports from 1990s, such complaints often delayed/mishandled processing and inadequate/improper investigation. The crimes against the women in Pakistan has its various forms like Sexual Abuse, Women Trafficking, Dowry abuse, Domestic Violence, Honor Killings, Marriage to Quran and many other form. After many ups and downs in the case The Lahore high court ruled on 6 June 2005 that the accused men could be released on payment of a 50,000 rupees ($840) bond. However, the men were unable to come up with the money, and remained in jail while the prosecution appealed their acquittal. Just over two weeks later, the Supreme Court intervened and suspended the acquittals of the five men as well as the eight who were acquitted at the original 2002 trial. All 14 would be retried in the Supreme Court.
The daunting step of a rural woman with an un-influential background is no doubt a source of inspiration for those women of Pakistan who never dares to break the barriers and bear the physical and mental victimization of their rights. Mukhtaran never stopped here; she was picked up by women national and international NGOs, and Human tights activist. She was nominated for many awards and souvenirs.
On 15th March 2009, Mukhtaran Mai, 37 years married to Nasir Abbas Gabol, a 30 years old police officer who was assigned to protect her as her case gained notoriety. She has been criticized for her legal marriage, when she reserved all rights regarding every decision about her life. That is totally her personal decisions, and it comes in to the personal liberty of one individual. She did lot of work for the development of her region despite of the reality that her region witnessed the cruel act of human history with her. A decent society is not easy to attain, it can only he achieved when the society has a deep sense of responsibility regarding its citizens and when the state ensure the personal privacy to its citizens. It’s the time to change the set pattern of society; in fact it’s the time to broaden our minds regarding the most sensitive issue of women rights. It’s high time now that we bear the brunt of the patriarchal mind set of our society, which make many women in relation with daughters, sisters, mothers and wives.
Lets finish the case of Mukhtaran with a thought provoking statement of an unknown writer “She’s not a feminist, she’s not an educated person, she does not have any personal politics. Yes, because of her own experience, she has an oppositional consciousness, but without really knowing why. She has a right to get along with her life”
by Zamurrad Awan
Kinnaird College for women Lhr
pakistani women need to be more dominating and aggressive.its time that they start an active fight for their rights.
i think if man can marry two women a woman should also be allowed to have two husbands like in Tibet
then in case of pregnancy who will decide who is the legitimate father of the child?
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