Punjab-Punjab Cooperation
South Asian Cooperation and the Role of Punjabs
By Tridivesh Singh Maini
Siddharth Publications, New Delhi
ISBN: 81-7220-186-9
161pp. Rs 275.00
Reviewed by Zamurrad Awan
student of M.phil, political Science dept
Government College University Lahore
South Asian Cooperation and the Role of Punjabs
By Tridivesh Singh Maini
Siddharth Publications, New Delhi
ISBN: 81-7220-186-9
161pp. Rs 275.00
Reviewed by Zamurrad Awan
student of M.phil, political Science dept
Government College University Lahore
Regional cooperation in present world scenario is considered as an important ingredient of developmental process in a region. But a region like South Asia which shares its long history of bi-lateral disputes usually has lot of challenges for its future endeavors. In this region, the regional cooperation appeared in a form of South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) which was formed on the initiative of Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman in 1985. The Association consists on India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan as current members but China, European Union, Iran, Japan, Unite States of America and Korea have been given a status of observers. The organization was made originally with the intention of the trade and investment promotion in the region but social and political environment does not let these objectives towards their attainment. Although the countries of this region do share a long history of its heritage, especially its member countries India and Pakistan and Bangladesh passed several years with each other so that’s why few provinces of these countries share common culture and heritage. The peculiarity of this region can surely help to enhance generally social, political and particularly economic cooperation among the countries of this region.
By giving a road map of regional cooperation the author of South Asian Cooperation, Tridivesh Singh Maini being a writer and peace activist emphasized on the contribution of East and West Punjab in the development of SAARC. Miani being a proponent of Indo-Pak healthy relations struggles to highlight the role of Punjabs in both countries for the betterment of not only the strain relations between them but also for the promotion of economic development in the region. He proves that by using the tactics of dialogue the objectives of peace and stability can easily be achieved. For this purpose in his book, after elaborating briefly the important developments in SAARC, he discusses the issues of main concern (Kashmir) in between Pakistan and India with his suggestion of economic and functional integration among countries of South Asia.
While emphasizing the effective role of Countries in regional cooperation, the author of the book skillfully highlights a strong linkage between the Punjabs of India and Pakistan as they share common culture and heritage. They make their attitudes flexible from last 5 to 6 years through the initiative of bus service from Amritsar to Lahore and after that from Amritsar to Nankana Shahab. The flexibility is more vibrant on the part of Pakistani government as they agreed to the demand of Sikh devotees to visit their shrines in West Punjab which was highly appreciated by Amarinder Singh who is a Punjab Chief Minister of east Punjab. Miani attract the reader by giving glimpse of the work of great writers, poets, professionals, saints and Sufis from East and West Punjab who worked without the boundary constraints of their countries and spread the message of peace, love, freedom and welfare, ultimately promote the Punjabiat. Baba Guru Nanak, Baba Bully Shah, Peer Waris Shah are those Punjabi poets who through poetry spread the great message of unity between both provinces. The promotion of Punjabi culture was further highlighted by the ruler Maharaja Ranjit Singh and after that generous contributor Dyal Singh Majitha and Gnaga Ram worked for the welfare in the period of pre-partition. After independence Fakhar Zaman as a chairperson of World Punjabi Congress worked for the promotion of Punjabiat in the country. NGOS with the name of Lok Sagat and Sachet Kitab Ghar further promoted the Punjabi scripts through seminars and their publications.
A smooth transition form the cultural homogeneity to the economic ground in between the West and East Punjab can be superbly identified in Miani’s book, as he after defining the strong common heritage comes to the economic field where both side Punjab can support each other through the productivity of their agriculture. In productivity, where Pakistani Punjab is best in cotton production Indian Punjab is ahead in other crops. The reasons of low production in both Punjabs are almost the same. In this regard Writer gave some recommendation to overcome the issue of production through well networking, efficient marketing system, Joint India–Pakistan Basmati Patent project, through cooperative system of Canal irrigation and last but not least through more flexible and trust worthy attitude towards not only each other but towards the other countries effort who are the part of South Asia. In this regard Miani pin point the other fields of cooperation to ensure further development in the region generally and in Punjab of both sides particularly. He very rationally consider governments, professional, common citizens, public opinion, efficient communication system, business endeavors, funding and the religious harmony as the tools of diplomacy for both Punjabs to make them close.
Miani, at the end of this book give some suggestions for the improvement of relations not only between both Punjabs but also among the South Asian countries. he recommended, free movement of people through making the visa process easy, opening up of trade routes, modernized structure of trade, improved communication facilities on national level, formation of a joint trade office at Wagah, setting up of a joint Punjab of Commerce at Wagah and politically the welcoming attitude of all countries of region towards each other.
Nonetheless, through a ground breaking research work the author visualized the vigorous picture of future in his imagination through the trust worthy cooperation and hard work among South Asian countries, which would ultimately not only boost the economic and socio-political development in both Punjabs but finally would contribute in to the development of this region.
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