Report on Training Workshop organized by Centre for Civic Education Pakistan
Centre for Civic education (CCE), which is a nonprofit organization, organized a training workshop on Civic Education and Youth participation from 30th January 2009 to 26th April 2009, based on five modules held Islamabad. The workshop took place in the lecture hall of Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. The stay for the non-resident participants of Islamabad was also arranged by CCE in the hostel of AIOU. The workshop was highly organized as hereafter the CCE reimbursed the travel and food allowances. Moreover, to make this workshop more interactive and timely, Mr.Quresh Khattak, Mr.Murtaza Noor and Ms Hafza worked efficiently under the kind supervision of Mr .Zafaraullah Khan, Executive Director of Centre for Civic Education. The workshop exclusively involved the students accompanied by their teachers from different colleges and universities. Therefore, the students were being invited from Kinnaird College for women Lahore, Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Peshawar University, Preston University Islamabad, Comsat College, Punjab University Lahore, Allama Iqbal Open University, and Islamic University Islamabad.
The purpose of this workshop was to sensitize students as well as the teachers regarding their positive and active role in democratic structure of Pakistan. Moreover, the objective of this training was to give them a sense of shared responsibility regarding their different role in society. Therefore, CCE organized lectures of renowned scholars, arranged activities and encouraged youth for participation through proper dialogue techniques.
The methodology through which this organization started its work was to inform, inspire and involve the youth in respective fields so that the social justice and equality which is not more then a dream for the down trodden class of our society can be ensure. To achieve this objective the interactive exercises were being arranged.
The first module was held on the development of communication skills in effective citizenship. The basic purpose was to enlighten the participants about the significance of effective communication skills for an active citizen. The 2nd module was based on civic activism, rule of law and Good Governance. The scholars who delivered their lectures on Good governance and the responsibility and role of citizens further highlighted its importance in the active citizenship.
The 3rd module was particularly addressed the most debatable issue of extremism which make the participants aware of its effects on the lives of common people. Moreover, the strategies have been discussed through which the violence can be counter. The 4th module particularly addressed Islam in contemporary world, which highlights the modern approach of Islam, so that the students get a better understanding of Islam which is not merely a religion but also a full code of conduct for living a life. The last session of this module focused on the activities which these students would organize in their own institutes after going back to their universities and colleges. It was told to them that they could take any of the topics addressed in these 5 modules to arrange a one day workshop. So that the motive to sensitize the youth of Pakistan could not stop, as the students are the real policy makers for future.
The 5th and the last module based on the citizenship in the age of Globalization, the purpose was to view the diversities and commonalities in contemporary civilization. In this last module the certificates were even distributed to the students qualified in this training workshop. The ceremony of certificate distribution took place in Sareena Hotel Islamabad.
Zamurrad Awan
Lecturer at Kinnaird College for Women, Lhr